Intake assessment

Flowers of dog-rose

Assessing the consumption of botanicals, plant food supplements, and the natural compounds they contain is often a challenge in fields such as health claims, risk assessment and nutrition. PlantLIBRA has developed unique expertise in carrying out consumption surveys.

Using the techniques developed by PlantLIBRA, it is possible to estimate the intakes of botanical preparations and compounds in selected botanicals more rapidly than previous approaches, providing stochastic distributions of likely intake (based on probability) with different degrees of precision and uncertainty depending on use.

Case study 

Problem: we were asked to estimate intake of hydroxyanthracenes from a variety of botanicals in plant food supplements in an European country.

PlantLIBRA: within two working days, we were able to provide preliminary estimates of median intake, and higher percentiles, for each botanical and for the most popular products on the market.

Contact: Luca Bucchini (Hylobates Consulting), PlantLIBRA partner and EuroFIR AISBL member, for further information