A2102 Refined and final PERSFO platform design and architecture | Technology Maturation | KULeuven

During 2021, PERSFO aims to test the integrated PERSFO architecture as part of a dietary intervention study and refine the app based on feedback from users and the results.

Activities include prepare and testing the app for the study, providing support to users and troubleshooting any issues that arise during day-to-day use, implementing the dietary study with three groups (control [app only], menu choice and dietary recommendations [app and general dietary advice, e.g., reduce saturated fat intake], and menu choice and personalised dietary recommendations [app and personalised dietary advice, e.g., you need to eat more protein], review and revision of the final version of PERSFO architecture, and plans and ideas for future exploitation.

Before and after the intervention study, participants will respond to food frequency questionnaire as well as a big five inventory and hexad (typologies & personality traits – preferences for nudging) and intrinsic motivation inventory (IMI) (subjective experience of target activities) questionnaires before the study starts and SUS (app usability) and ResQUE (user experience of recommender systems) questionnaires and a 30-minute interview afterwards.

Personalized and connected food service providers (PERSFO, Project ID 20291/21291) has received funding from EIT Food, the innovation community on Food of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the EU, under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.