Events « BACCHUS


Food Bioactives & Health Conference

(13-15th September 2016 – Norwich, UK)

BACCHUS was a significant contributor to the 1st International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health that was held in Norwich, host city of the BACCHUS coordinator, IFR (UK). Numerous oral and poster presentations at the conference came from BACCHUS activities, making it an excellent high-impact dissemination event. BACCHUS also had a strong presence amongst delegates with the distribution of dissemination materials, such as an exhibition, roll-up, posters, leaflets and flyers. Responses from participants towards BACCHUS was positive and they asked for more information about the project outputs including the toolkit.

The last consortium meeting was held prior the conference (12.9.2016 ) with the majority of partners attending.

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE

Trends in Food Science & Technology: Food Bioactives: From evidence of health benefits to understanding mechanisms
If you do not access to Science Direct CLICK HERE (some of the publications are open access for 12 months from 1st October 2017)

Best practice in health claims and human studies underpinning health claims
(10th June 2016 – Brussels, BE)

BACCHUS presented tools and resources developed to help SMEs generate information EFSA requires for a potentially positive opinion. SMEs came away with knowledge to help them decide when a health claim is a realistic option, and up-to-date knowledge about how to make a health claim.

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE


Why nutrition and health claim applications fail: Common shortcomings versus best practice
(22nd June 2015 – Budapest, HU)

This workshop was an opportunity for SMEs, larger companies, research institutions and consultants involved in health claims dossiers to discover more about the BACCHUS toolkit, gain a better understanding of the EFSA decision process for health claims applications, and exchange views with other actors on how to achieve a successful health claims

The workshop was attended by 46 people from different fields and, although topics were presented in theatre-style, the workshop emphasised interactive discussion, case studies and study design (see below):

  • Brief history of nutrition and health claims regulations
  • Common deficiencies in application dossiers and problems encountered
  • Definition of novel foods and other relevant legal categories
  • EFSA guidance documents on nutrition and health claims
  • EFSA dossier project management

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE

Best practice guidelines for EFSA health claim dossiers
(27th June 2014 – Brussels, BE)

The workshop was delivered in two parts, specifically presentations to help inform the delegates and interactive sessions about SME needs with respect to health claims to help inform BACCHUS activities.

The presentations focused on BACCHUS early results, the European health claim landscape, best practice guidelines and EFSA requirements. The interactive session focused on real-world example and sharing know-how regarding health claims applications. The workshop was attended by more than 40 participants from both industry and academia.

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE

Bioactive peptides in fermented/ripened meats
(20th October 2015 – Valencia, ES)

BACCHUS participated in an international symposium on fermented meats that was held in Valencia (ES) with both speakers and an exhibition.

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE



Third Consortium Meeting & Dissemination Workshop
(3rd March 2015 – Valencia, ES)

At the third consortium meeting, partners were updated on progress and new deadlines and goals were set.

The aim of the Dissemination workshop was to agree the programme for the second SME dissemination workshop (see above), present the BACCHUS toolkit (including the elearning platform), and establish interest amongst SME partners.


The outputs of this workshop were:

  • Second SME-focussed workshop in June 2015 in Budapest (HU)
  • Creation of new content for the elearning platform including:
    • Reviewed/ revised best practice for health claims, based on WP1 outputs
    • Results from the WP1 Survey exploring the impact of health claims legislation on SMEs
    • Case studies on (un)successful health claim dossiers
    • Updated glossary enriched with new terms and definitions
    • Model dossier

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE

Second Consortium & eLearning Content Meetings
(26th February 2014 – Gent, BE)

At the second consortium meeting, partners were updated on progress, and new deadlines and goals were established. The aim of the elearning content workshop was to decide on the format of the elearning scenarios, outline the content of the first module, decide on the programme for future SME dissemination workshops (see above), and obtain feedback from SME partners about understanding of health claim applications and supporting research (understanding), experience of health claims process (experience), and delivery and use of information to achieve a health claim (needs).

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE

1st Consortium Meeting & eBASIS Workshop
(16th June 2013 – Budva, ME)

The aim of the first consortium meeting was to establish goals for immediate future, based on the Description of Work.

Potential eBASIS ‘evaluators’ were sourced from amongst WP3 partners before the workshop and assigned to one of four groups, based on their expertise: Composition – (1) polyphenols and (2) meat bioactive peptides and beneficial bioeffects – (3) polyphenols and (4) meat bioactive peptides. They also received three typical papers and standard operating procedures for eBASIS  data entry. The workshop covered all aspects of data entry including how to extract information from peer-reviewed publications and to input data correctly, and how publications/ data should be weighted for quality. Following this training, evaluations and data input began September 2013.

Photographs from the event – CLICK HERE