ePlantLIBRA is a database containing information about plant- and plant-food supplements globally, specifically bioactive compounds in botanicals and herbal extracts with putative health benefits and adverse effects. To access ePlantLIBRA, please contact EuroFIR AISBL (secretariat[a]eurofir.org).
ePlantLIBRA is based on three existing databases: eBASIS (Bioactive Substances in Food Information System), developed by EuroFIR; the MoniQA contaminants database (FP6 Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the total food supply chain); and FERA’s HorizonScan database.
ePlantLIBRA has been designed to be a comprehensive, easily searched database containing quality evaluated scientific information on plant and plant food supplements (PFS), specifically bioactive compound composition, botanical information, beneficial bioactivity data and case-reports of adverse effects as well as composition of potential contaminants (Figure 1).
A user-friendly, efficient and flexible interface is provided for searching, extracting and exporting the data including references.
Figure 1. Summary of ePlantLIBRA content
Plant Information
Scientific names, plant families, synonyms, common names in 15 European languages, colour photographs to aid identification and links to the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), together with details on edible parts, colour, size and shape, have been included for the plants in ePlantLIBRA. LanguaL has been used to code food descriptions.
Annual fees for access:
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
Click on the screenshots bellow to see some examples:
- Adverse Effects of Gingko products
- Beneficial effects in green tea supplements
- Bioactive composition of plants
- Bioactive composition data in Gingko products
- Contaminant and Residue information for Ginseng