e-Learning: Presentations
Helping SMEs and researchers submit better health claim dossiers
Are you planning on applying? We have a toolkit to help
Rosalind Miller (British Nutrition Foundation)
Best practice guidelines for health claim dossiers
Bridget Benelam (British Nutrition Foundation, UK)
Requirements for successful EFSA health claims
Patrick Coppens, EAS Strategic Advice Europe
EFSA experience in reviewing human studies submitted for the scientific substantiation of health claims
Ambroise Martin (Chair of EFSA panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies – NDA Panel), presented by Dr Elinor McCartney (Pen & Tec Consulting)
Application rejected. Find out why EFSA will reject your next NHC dossier
Dr Elinor McCartney(Pen & Tec Consulting)
Current reporting in published research
Doug Altman (Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford, UK and EQUATOR Network), presented by Dr Elinor McCartney
The approach of PATHWAY-27 to support SMEs in the substantiation of health claims
Stéphane Vidry (ILSI Europe)
Prof. Rosalind Malcolm (REDICLAIM Consortium)