The 2020 EuroFIR Food Forum has been cancelled due to the 19 covid virus. We apologize for the inconvenience.
EuroFIR AISBL: Delivering high-quality food information
Date: Tuesday, 7 April 2020
12.00 – 13.30 Registration and welcome lunch
13:30 – 15.00 Technical Discussion Groups: 2019 Updates and 2020 Plans (Studio 6-8)
CHAIRS: Susanne Westenbrink (RIVM, NL) & Mark Roe (EuroFIR, BE)
Rapporteur: Angelika Mantur-Vierendeel (EuroFIR, BE)- 13:30 - 13:45 Documentation
- 13:45 - 14:00 Branded foods
- 14:00 - 14:15 Aggregation of data
- 14:15 - 14:30 FoodCASE
- 14:30 - 14:45 Working with laboratories
- 14:45 - 15:00 Recipe calculation
15:00 - 15:30 BREAK
15:30 - 18:00 Workshop: Significant digits and rounding rules (Studio 6-8)
CHAIRS: Susanne Westenbrink (RIVM, NL) & Mark Roe (EuroFIR, BE)
Rapporteur: Angelika Mantur-Vierendeel (EuroFIR, BE)Details to follow
Day 2 - Wednesday, 8th April 2020 (09:00-19:00)
09:00-12:30 Technical Discussion Groups: Workshop (Studio 6-8)
CHAIRS: Susanne Westenbrink (RIVM, NL) & Mark Roe (EuroFIR, BE)
Rapporteur: Angelika Mantur-Vierendeel (EuroFIR, BE)Details to follow
09:00-12:30 FoodCASE: 2020 Workshop for users (Studio 2-3-5 [16 places])
CHAIRS: Karl Presser (Premotech GmbH, CH)
Rapporteur: Agnieszka Matuszczak (Premotech GmbH, CH)Details to follow
Food and beverages should be available all morning until 12:30
12.30 - 13:30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 EuroFIR EU-funded Project Updates
CHAIRS: To be confirmed13:30-13:45 SEAFOODTOMORROW: Nutritious, safe and sustainable seafood for consumers of tomorrow
Mark Roe (EuroFIR, BE)13:45-14:00 SWEET: Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability
Siân Astley (EuroFIR, BE)14:00-14:15 TURNTABLE: Supporting vitality and abilities of elderly
Angelika Mantur-Vierendeel (EuroFIR, BE)14:15-14:30 FNS-Cloud: Food Nutrition Security Cloud
Paul Finglas (EuroFIR, BE)14:30-14:45 EUREMO: Feasibility study for a monitoring system on reformulation initiatives for salt, sugars and fat
14:45-15:00 PERSFO: Personalised and connected food services
Hans Simillion, Alberts (BE)15:00-15:15 Quisper ASBL
Jo Goossens, shiftN and Quisper ASBL (BE)15:15-15:30 Open discussion
15:30 - 16:00 BREAK
16:00 - 17: 30 General Assembly - EuroFIR Members only
Also, in parallel
13:30-17:30 FNS-Cloud WP4 Data Workshop (Studio 2-3-5 [16 places]) (by-invitation)
CHAIR: Eileen Gibney (UCC, IE)
Rapporteur: Laura Bardon (UCC, IE)Details to follow
17:30 - 19:00 Reception (food and beverages) - all welcome
Day 3 - Thursday, 9th April 2020 (09:00-16:30)
09.00 - 16:30 FNS-Cloud Community Engagement Workshop - all welcome
CHAIRS: Javier de la Cueva (ES) & Siân Astley (EuroFIR, BE)
Rapporteur: To be confirmed (EuroFIR, BE)08:30 Registration
09:00 - 09:45 Set the challenge
09:45 - 11:00 Understand the policy landscape
11:00 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 12:30 Understanding the user
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Generating and prioritising ideas
15:00 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 16:15 Plans and next steps
16:15 - 16:30 Open discussion and close
EuroFIR Food Symposium 2019: Plenary talks - Food composition and other nutritional data, standards and tools and their wider application in food, nutrition, and health research
Date: Tuesday 9th April 2019 The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) – mission and current activities in nutrition and health – Raymond Gemen, EUFIC (Brussels, BE) - DOWNLOAD Developments for the Food Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure in Europe – opportunities for EuroFIR – Prof. Barbara Korousic Seljak, Josef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, SI)- DOWNLOAD Food and Drink reformulation and innovation and quantifying on consumers in Ireland – Sandrine Pigat, Crème global (Dublin, IE)- DOWNLOAD Analysis of nutrients and contaminants – the Norwegian seafood database – Lisbeth Dahl & Maria Wik Markhus, Institute of Marine Research (Bergen, NO)- DOWNLOAD
EuroFIR Food Symposium 2018: Food Composition and Intake supporting research, policies and innovation in Europe
Date: Wednesday 11th April 2018 (09.00 - 15.15)
Read speakers' biographies here.
Introduction (Paul M Finglas, Quadram Institute, Norwich, UK & EuroFIR AISBL, BE) South African food data, industry collaborations and future networking (Hettie Schonfeldt, University of Pretoria, ZA) - DOWNLOAD Advances in Dietary assessment methodologies and tools (Prof Janet Cade, University of Leeds, UK) - DOWNLOAD Successful regional harmonisation in food and nutrition data collection and analysis for evidence based nutrition policy in Serbia and Western Balkans (Mirjana Gurinovic, Centre of Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, University of Belgrade, RS) - DOWNLOAD Activities of the Nordic Food Analysis Network, (Liisa Valsta, National Institute for Health and Welfare, FI) - DOWNLOAD Seafood from aquaculture, fisheries and processing industry in the ocean of tomorrow (Antonio Marques, Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere, PT) - DOWNLOAD New analytical food composition data in Central Europe and Asia (Anna Giertlová, National Agricultural and Food Centre, SK) - DOWNLOAD Developing our Database Assets: Strategic Food Information for New Zealand, (Carolyn Lister, Plant & Food Research NZ) - DOWNLOAD -
EuroFIR Food Symposium 2017: Food and Health Research Infrastructure - Current Status and Future Landscape
Date: Wednesday 5th April 2017 (09.00 - 12.55)
Introduction (Paul M Finglas, Quadram Institute, Norwich, UK & EuroFIR AISBL, BE) & & Sylvia Schreiber (CommBeBiz , BE) Progressing towards the construction of Metrofood-RI (Dr Claudia Zoani, ENEA, IT) - DOWNLOAD The EuroFIR Food Data Platform and Tools (Dr Karl Presser, Premotec, CH; Prof Barbara Koroušić Seljak, JSI, SI; and Paul M Finglas, Quadram Institute, UK) - DOWNLOAD Introduction to RICHFIELDS & The Fake Food Buffet (Dr Tamara Bucher, ETH Zurich, CH) - DOWNLOAD The Quisper Platform for Personalised Nutrition Services (Jo Goossens, ShiftN, BE) - DOWNLOAD The Precious Platform for diet, lifestyle and behaviour changes (Jose Costa-Requena and Edward Mutafungwa, AALTO, FI) - DOWNLOAD Public and commercial data to model intakes, health and risk in consumers (Sandrine Pigat, Crème Global, IE) - DOWNLOAD -
EuroFIR Food Symposium 2016: Food safety and labelling
The EuroFIR Food Forum 2016 Symposium brought together EuroFIR Members and stakeholders, including food compilers, diet and health researchers, SMEs, NGOs, policy-makers and the food industry. The symposium was open to public and focused on the latest European regulatory actions for food information, nutrition and health claims, and the safety for food allergic individuals as well as the impact these legal frameworks have on individuals and the food industry.
CHAIRS: Paul Finglas (President, EuroFIR AISBL) and Dr Loek Pijls (Founder of Loekintofood GCV & Chief Scientific Officer for Quisper)
Dr Tim Gumbel
Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission (BE)
Presentation: EU food information rules - recent developments Download presentation
Bio: Dr Tim Gumbel was appointed Deputy Head of Unit for Nutrition, Food composition and information in the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission in April 2015. Previously, he served for four years as Assistant to the Deputy Director General for the Food Chain of the same DG. From 2005-2011, he was a desk officer in different Units of the DG, where he was responsible for the legislative revision of the EU rules on animal by-products not intended for human consumption. He joined the Commission after some years as legal adviser in the German Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Nutrition and Agriculture, after legal studies in Germany and in the UK, completion of his legal professional training and a legal doctorate with a thesis on a topic related to competition law.
Prof. Judy Buttriss PhD, BSc, RNutr, FAfN, Dip Diet
British Nutrition Foundation (UK)
Presentation: Health claims regulation - opportunities and challenges in Europe with examples from the Bacchus project. Download presentation
Bio: Judy is the Director General of the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF). Before this she was the National Dairy Council’s Senior Nutritionist. She is the chair of BBSRC’s DRINC Steering Committee and currently a member of the Food Research Partnership, Defra’s Family Food committee, and a number of PHE’s Reference Groups. She has been the work package leader for dissemination activities in EU FP5, FP6 and FP7 projects, including the BACCHUS project and has written a number of reviews, articles and book chapters, including topics such as health claims, child nutrition, healthy ageing, and sustainable diets. ".
Dr Igor Pravst
Nutrition Institute (SI)
Presentation: The use of nutrition and health claims and symbols on prepacked foods: From consumers exposure to public health implications. Download presentation
Bio: Igor is the leader of the research group on Nutrition and Public Health at the Nutrition Institute (Ljubljana, SI), and works at the University of Ljubljana as an Assistant Professor in Nutrition. He is a Work Package Leader for the FP7 projects: REDICLAIM (Understanding the impact of legislation on "reduction of disease risk" claims on food) and CLYMBOL (Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour).
Dr Anita Kušar
Nutrition Institute (SI)
Presentation: The use of nutrition and health claims and symbols on prepacked foods: From consumers exposure to public health implications. Download presentation
Bio: Anita is an expert in quality and labelling of foods and dietary supplements at the Nutrition Institute (Ljubljana, SI). Anita works on FP7 EU projects: REDICLAIM (Understanding the impact of legislation on "reduction of disease risk" claims on food) and CLYMBOL (Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour). She is a lecturer in Pharmacognosy at Higher School of Applied Sciences (Ljubljana, SI) .
Dr Sophie Hieke
Presentation: Measuring the effects of health claims and symbols – the CLYMBOL methodological toolbox. Download presentation
Bio: Sophie is leading consumer research at the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) and is the Principal Coordinator of the EU FP7 funded project CLYMBOL – Role of health claims and symbols in consumer behaviour. Sophie holds a PhD in Statistics and Consumer Research from Ludwig-Maximilians-University (DE). She is an associate editor at Public Health Nutrition and a reviewer for the Journal of Consumer Affairs, Appetite, and the Journal of Marketing & Public Policy. Since 2007, she has been lecturing in Germany, France and the US, and holds research positions at the Center for Marketing & Public Policy Research, Villanova University (US), the Munich Centre of Health Sciences (DE), and the University of Surrey (UK).
Dr Audrey Dunn Galvin
School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork (IE)
Presentation: The impact of 'labelling' on the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours of consumers with food allergy : a multilevel perspective. Download presentationBio: Dr Dunn Galvin is part of the Department of Paediatrics Food Allergy research group in UCC, which has led the international field in the development of qualitative and quantitative examination of the issues of quality of life for food allergic and coeliac children, adults and parents, and the group has established research links with academic units in the US, Canada, Australia, and Singapore and throughout the EuroPrevall consortium. She has a strong track record in research into food allergy, and celiac disease, long-term condition management, applied health care research and patient-focussed quality of life measurement, developmental trajectories, psycho-educational intervention design, translating research into practice and policy, and statistical predictive modelling (worldwide patent granted for the recent development of a mathematical algorithm), in children, teens, parents, and adults
Katia Merten-Lentz
Keller and Heckman LLP (BE/FR)
Presentation: Impact of new health claims & food labelling regulations on the food industry and future innovation potential. Download presentation
Bio: Katia is a partner at Keller and Heckman LLP specialised in agri-food law at national (French and Belgian) and European level. Katia assists agri-food companies in counselling and litigation of the implementation of EU food regulations. She assists operators from farm to fork as well as being pro-active in food-innovation and often intervenes in the law-making process. Katia has expertise in areas such as health and nutrition claims, novel foods, food waste and food labelling.