
EuroFIR (European Food Information Resource Network), the world –leading European Network of Excellence on Food Composition Databank systems, is a partnership between 47 universities, research institutes and small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from 25 European countries. EuroFIR will provide the first comprehensive pan-European food information resource, using state-of-the-art database linking, to allow effective management, updating, extending and comparability. This is an essential underpinning component of all food and health research in Europe and provides:
  • the building blocks for health surveys, medical research and interventions, and health policies based on them;
  • information for public health government bodies and regulators to educate their populations about health and food heritage;
  • laboratory and data analysis best practices to ensure data quality, reliability and comparability;
  • data that enables food industry to produce healthier foods, and obtain a larger share of the international food market;
  • information to consumers – via labels and via printed/electronic information – to enable them to play a more active role in protecting and enhancing their health.

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