European integration of new technologies and social-economic solutions for increasing consumer trust and engagement in seafood products
ABOUT FishEUTrust (Grant Agreement No. 101060712)
Duration: 4 years – 1st June 2022 to 31st May 2026
Coordinators: Jožef Stefan Institute (SI)
Project Partners: 22 beneficiaries from 11 EU Member States (SI, PT, IT, DK, RO, NO, DE, BE, MT, ES HR) plus the Republic of Serbia (RS) and Montenegro (ME)
Source of funding: FishEUTrust is funded through the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme (HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01) under Grant Agreement No. 101060712
FishEUTrust aims to defragment the current seafood system to ensure sustainability and a transparent and traceable seafood supply chain. Fish farming is widespread in Europe, but most research has concentrated on technical aspects of production whilst traceability and microbiological safety methods are limited, and must improve to increase consumer confidence and uptake. At the heart of FishEUTrust is integration of stakeholders through a digital platform and co-creation living labs (Mediterranean, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean), which will enable user communities to explore digital and non-digital supply chain solutions, quality, safety, traceability, and environmental impact.
Role of EuroFIR AISBL in FishEUTrust
EuroFIR AISBL will contribute to WP1 Establish Co-Creation Living Labs (CLLs), WP3 Develop and exploit efficient and sustainable digital supply chain and business models, and WP6 Integrated impact assessment to quantify environmental footprint, sustainability, and socio-economic benefits of FishEUTrust approaches, support for regulation and policy framework as a data provider. More specifically, in WP6, EuroFIR will consider impacts of activities on environment and social-economic factors as well as health. In WP7 Integration of technologies for transparent seafood supply chain and digital solutions for increasing consumer awareness, trust and empowerment, EuroFIR will help integrate the FishEUTrust platform with other e-infrastructures, such as FNS Cloud. In WP8 Communication, dissemination and clustering, EuroFIR will also in WP8 Communication, dissemination and clustering, publicising outputs and facilitating their exploitation. EuroFIR AISBL is also involved in the WP9 Management and coordination, where Siân Astley is leading Task 9.5: Gender Action Plan and monitoring, supporting integration of good practice at national and European levels.