For Software Developers & Researchers
Get access to the biggest collection of harmonised food composition datasets in the world!
Constantly updated and ever-growing, our collection of datasets gives you access to nutritional information of food coming from 28 countries and contains high quality, scientifically validated, and evidence-based official food composition data of more than 52000 food products.
Why us?
EuroFIR has been collecting and standardising food composition data from national compilers since 2005. We provide food composition information for any purpose, research or commercial at a single point of access. The benefit of using EuroFIR food composition data is that it includes the most up-to-date validated data in the world in a unified format.
Our current datasets

Possibilities of using EuroFIR data are endless. Whether you want to create a diet planning software, conduct a research or use it in artificial intelligence- EuroFIR data can help you make that happen!
Want to see what a dataset looks like?
Annual fees depend on the total number of food products in all datasets licensed
21% tax may be applied if no valid tax number is provided