Innovative Solutions for Nutritious, Safe and Sustainable Seafood in Europe
About SEAFOODTOMORROW (Grant Agreement No. 773400)
Duration: 3 years - November 2017 to October 2020
Coordinator: Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), Portugal
Project partners: 35 partners from across Europe
Source of funding: European Union H2020 Programme
It is projected that by 2050 population and economic growth will result in a doubling of demand for food globally. One of the main challenges this century is ensuring food production and consumption is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. Seafood is one of the most important food commodities consumed in Europe, as it is an important source of high-quality protein and valuable nutrients. It is, therefore, vital to develop new, environmentally-friendly products, and transparent seafood production and processing methods that underpin seafood security in-line with market demands.
Aim & Projects Deliverables
SEAFOODTOMORROW aims to develop innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood in Europe. Addressing the challenge to meet the growing market need for safe and sustainable seafood, the project will generate new knowledge to develop commercial solutions for improving the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the European seafood production and processing industry. With a strong focus on innovation, SEAFOODTOMORROW is working directly with recognised industry experts and innovative institutions with proven track records. The project has put knowledge management structures in place that ensure innovative solutions will be transferred to end users in the seafood production and processing sectors. Using this comprehensive approach, SEAFOODTOMORROW offers a strong and transdisciplinary partnership that is addressing food security challenges by finding innovative solutions for seafood and associated environmental issues.
EuroFIR AISBL will be involved in WP 4 – Market, acceptability, sustainability and demonstration – Task 4.4 to identify potential end-users, private facilitators and public bodies to participate actively in the market implementation of the new innovative solutions targeted in SEAFOODTOMORROW. EuroFIR will also contribute to WP6 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation and will lead Task 6.4, organising the final stakeholder event, ensuring targeted and effective communication of SEAFOODTOMORROW achievements.
Website: www.seafoodtomorrow.eu
Project Library
Project fact sheet: SEAFOODTOMORROW fact sheet [PDF web - 600 kB, PDF print - 2.5 MB]
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News: 2019-07-01 European-wide SEAFOODTOMORROW recipe contest: Update