ABOUT VERIFISH – The Sustainability Indicator Framework to Communicate Responsible Aquafood Production and Consumption Patterns
Duration: 1st May 2024 – 30th April 2026
Coordinator: TRUST-IT SERVICES SRL (Trust-IT)
Project partners: 10 partners from nine countries: Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
Source of funding: Horizon Europe, cofounded under HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01
VeriFish will develop a framework of verifiable sustainability indicators for communicating sustainability of aquafoods, based on FAIR data from EU and global repositories. The project will design and disseminate media products (card game, calendar, maps, recipes) to support industry outreach, and help citizens and retailers make informed choices. VeriFish will also develop a prototype web app to facilitate dissemination of useful information about seafood and aquaculture consumption choices and publish a good practicerecommendation for communication about seafood and how to organise sustainable seafood consumption campaigns that will be tested amongst end-users.
Role of EuroFIR AISBL in VeriFish
EuroFIR has a pivotal role in data management and innovation planning as well as exploitation pathways and will coordinate data provision, development, and validation of the indicator framework, bringing together sustainability, provenance, nutrition, and health information (WP2). EuroFIR is also responsible for leading creation of the media products (WP3) and, specifically, publication of a recipe book aimed at children to encourage exploration of fish and seafood.