PLANT food supplements: Levels of Intake, Benefit and Risk Assessment
ABOUT PlantLIBRA (Grant no.245199)
Duration: 4 years from June 2010 to April 2014
Coordinators: PlantLIBRA was led by Prof. Patrizia Restani from the University of Milan (IT) and Dr Luca Bucchini from Hylobates Consulting, Rome (IT).
Project Partners: The consortium consisted of 25 beneficiaries from 15 countries including Argentina, Brazil, China and South Africa.
Source of funding: PlantLIBRA was funded through the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme.
PlantLIBRA aimed to foster the safe use of food supplements containing plants or botanical preparations, by increasing science-based decision-making by regulators and food chain operators.
Role of EuroFIR AISBL in PlantLIBRA
EuroFIR AISBL and IFR (UK), together with four 3rd party members (DTU, Polytec and DFI [DK] and UCC [IE]), were contributing to the development of the ePlantLIBRA database of composition, biologically active compounds, safety information, residues and contaminants, which was based on the EuroFIR eBASIS and MoniQA databases. The ePlantLIBRA database included quality assessed data on composition, beneficial and adverse effects of components of PFS, being based on the existing EuroFIR/ Nortox eBASIS database and also contained additional information on plants and botanical preparations used for food supplements.
Find out more
For more information visit PlantLIBRA website.