A hoListic framework in the quality Labelled food supply chain systems management towards enhanced data Integrity and verAcity, interoperability, traNsparenCy, and traceability
ABOUT ALLIANCE (Grant Agreement No. 101084188)
Duration: 3 years: 1st November 2022 to 31st October 2025
Coordinators: Panepistimio Thessalias (UTH) (EL)
Project Partners: 26 beneficiaries from eight EU Member States (EL, LU, BE, FR, IT, ES, CY, DE), the United Kingdom (UK), the Republic of Serbia (RS), the Republic of Turkey (TR), and the Republic of Croatia (HR)
Source of funding: Alliance has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (H2020-EU. – A sustainable and competitive agri-food industry; HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-04) under Grant Agreement No. 101084188.
ALLIANCE aims to provide a holistic framework to help maintain food data integrity and accuracy, increasing traceability and transparency, and strengthen interoperability in the supply chain for quality-labelled (organic, PDO, PGI and GI) foods.
Whilst organic, PDO, PGI and GI foods are increasingly popular amongst consumers, fraud associated with these quality-labelled products also more frequently. Solutions that combat fraud or prevent incidences earlier must be easily adopted by all involved in the food production, processing, distribution, and supply chain management.
ALLIANCE focuses on life cycle stages in quality-labelled food production from farm-to-fork and will offer novel solutions to create more fraud-resilient and pro-active food supply chain systems.
EuroFIR AISBL will contribute to the work package WP4 – Pilot Demonstration and Validation Campaigns, more specifically to the Task 4.1 – Uses case Scenarios, Planning and Preparation, which aims to develop a detailed plan to organise ALLIANCE use cases and their assessment.
ALLIANCE YouTube Channel