Platform supporting vitality and abilities of elderly

ABOUT Turntable

Duration: 3 years from the 1st May 2019 to 30th April 2021

Coordinator: Turntable was led by Abinsula (IT).

Consortium: 10 beneficiaries from 5 EU Member States, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia and Belgium.

Source of funding: Turntable was funded through the Active Assisted Living Programme


Turntable aimed to address the co-challenges of vitality and ability amongst older adults (65 years and over) though an extendable one-stop-shop ICT platform (Turntable) integrating a range of solutions.

As we age, we tend to be more sedentary, less active, and less willing to engage with new technologies. These trends worsen normal age-related decline, both physical and cognitive. As muscle mass, grip strength and power decline, falls become more frequent and dangerous, and everyday tasks become more intimidating. These changes interfere with diet and nutritional status, because shopping and cooking become more challenging, as well as participation in social activities.

Users (primary – over 65 years adults; secondary – informal and formal carers and care organisations, social clubs, etc.; and tertiary - mobile network operators and insurance companies, for example) will be involved at all stages in platform development including: selection of components (co-creation sessions), integration and adaptation to user needs (usability testing), and testing (field trials, open beta). This approach ensured that Turntable was fit-for-purpose, adopted widely and is sustainable.

Role of EuroFIR AISBL in Turntable

EuroFIR AISBL was responsible for Task 1.2 – Co-creation sessions execution (WP1), which aimed to ensure design and content of Turntable is optimal, and EuroFIR recruited users, organised sessions, and followed-up with participants in Belgium.

EuroFIR was also leading Task 5.3 – Impact-oriented dissemination (WP5), which aimed to raise awareness of Turntable and help with recruitment of users for the co-creation sessions and field-trials. EuroFIR managed the project webpage, social media account, and was involved in development and delivery of the communication and dissemination plan for the project.