Maastricht University Research on Front-of-Pack Labels for Fruits and Vegetables: Policy Inputs Needed

A group of researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands is conducting a study on the use of claims and front-of-pack labels (FOPL) for fruits and vegetables. Various nutrition and public health experts have expressed concern about the low consumption of fruits and vegetables across different regions. To address this issue, several initiatives have been proposed, including tax subsidies, the promotion of local produce, efforts to make produce visually appealing, and the use of nutrition and health claims.
This research team is part of a consortium that has developed novel methods, such as sensors, to provide producers with easy and accurate ways to measure the composition of their produce. The central question of their study is identifying the most effective way to communicate these traits to consumers. While unpacked foods in the EU can use claims, the situation for front-of-pack labels remains somewhat unclear and is often overlooked in current EU discussions.
The researchers are seeking input and opinions from experts to help draft a Policy Brief aimed at public policy actors. Their goal is to develop effective communication strategies for promoting fruit and vegetable consumption.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact Belén Beltramo at [email protected].