Quantify Life – Feed Yourself

ABOUT QUALIFY (Grant no. 613783)

Duration: 2 years from January 2014 to December 2015

Coordinator: Qualify was led by RTD Services – research project management (AT).

Project partners: Qualify had 16 partners from 10 countries including two FP6-derived associations (NuGO and EuroFIR AISBL) and 11 SMEs.

Source of funding: QuaLiFY was an EU-funded Framework 7 Collaborative Project under Exploitation of results of Framework Programme projects in food, health and well-being by small and medium-sized enterprises.


QuaLiFY was driven by two aims, specifically utilisation of knowledge from Framework Programmes, and creation of new approaches for improving the health of EU citizens. Traditional public health campaigns have had little impact on compliance with dietary and lifestyle recommendations whilst personalised advice, individualised health and tailored goals are gaining acceptance. Knowledge and resources, facilitated by previous FP6 and current FP7 projects were exploited by SMEs with a view to providing tools and infrastructures for delivering dietary advice in a clinical environment. A complementary group of SMEs was involved in (1) quantification of food intake and composition, (2) self-quantification technologies for genotype, phenotype and nutritional status, (3) data handling and personal advice IT tools, (4) production and provision of personalised dietary advice services and (5) innovative business development joined forces to build a platform to exploit concepts, tools and infrastructures developed by FP6- and FP7-funded projects EuroFIR (NoE and NEXUS), NuGO and EURRECA, EUROGENE and Food4Me.

Project Deliverable(s)

QuaLiFY  created a solid basis to launch commercially viable products and services in the area of personalised dietary advice by providing a knowledge infrastructure and harmonised open innovation protocols. Three main areas of implementation had been chosen, based on the interaction between dieticians and clients, namely obese children, eating disorders and type 2 (pre-) diabetics. Resulting products and services were tested, integrated and optimised for consumer use in a field lab setting, the ‘Nutrition Researcher Cohort’. QuaLiFY also published a model business plan and a guidebook for open innovation business development based on EU-funded RTD projects.

  • Quisper: This was the platform developed from the QuaLiFY project with a societal vision and mission; to improve public health through better personalised nutritional advice. Its services were pre-competitive and, therefore, available to everyone at an affordable cost. For this reason, Quisper’s legal structure was an international non-profit association, based in Belgium. Users of the platform and providers of data, knowledge rules or services as well as other organisations supporting the aims of Quipper could become members of the Association. To learn more, watch the Quisper video.

Role of EuroFIR AISBL in QuaLiFY

EuroFIR AISBL was engaged in three work packages, Integration of dietary advice tools (WP1), Knowledge disclosure for personalised dietary advice services (WP2)  and Dissemination and Exploitation (WP 5).

2014-04-29 Press release: Boost to small companies providing personalised nutritional advice (PDF - 155 KB)

Find out more:

Visit QualiFY website here.