Year (2010)
- Abu-Saad K, Shahar DR, Vardi H, Fraser D (2010) Importance of ethnic foods as predictors of and contributors to nutrient intake levels in a minority European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64, S88-94. (DOI: 1038/ejcn.2010.217)
- Khokhar S, Marletta L, Shahar D R, Farre R., Ireland J D, Jansen-van der Vliet M, De Henauw S and Finglas P (2010) New food composition data on selcted ethnic foods consumed in Europe. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64, S82-S87. (DOI: 1038/ejcn.2010.216)
Year (2009)
- Chen A., Gilbert P. and Khokhar S. (2009) Estimating the nutrient composition of South Asian foods using a recipe calculation method. Food Chemistry, 113(3), 825-831. (DOI: 1016/j.foodchem.2008.05.063)
- Khokhar S., Gilbert P.A., Moyle C.W.A., Carnovale E., Shahar D.R., Ngo J., Saxholt E., Ireland J., Jansen-van der Vliet M. and Bellemans M. (2009) Harmonised procedures for producing new data on the nutritional composition of ethnic foods. Food Chemistry, 113(3), 816-824. (DOI: 1016/j.foodchem.2008.06.046)
Year (2008)
- Gilbert P.A. and Khokhar S. (2008) Changing dietary habits of ethnic groups in Europe and implications for health. Nutrition Reviews, 66(4), 203-215. (DOI: 1111/j.1753-4887.2008.00025.x)