The Branded Food and Beverage Composition Database post-food reformulation in Spain

The newly released Spanish Food and Beverage Composition Tables, Tabula™, provide up-to-date information on the nutritional composition of over 6500 processed food products marketed in Spain, from both manufacturers’ and distributors’ brands, ensuring a representativeness of approximately 80% of the current Spanish market.

This new database addresses the need for an up-to-date overview of the current Spanish food market, following the recent implementation of a food reformulation initiative by the public Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN). Published with a commitment to be regularly updated, Tabula™ is designed to provide a trusted, scientifically rigorous resource for academic and research settings, as well as for decision-making in nutrition and public health policy.

Specifically, Tabula™ compiles information based on nutrition labelling, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011. For each product, it provides information on the legal and trade name, brand, list of ingredients and allergens, and mandatory and voluntary nutritional declaration. Where applicable, it also includes nutritional claims referring to products’ content of total and saturated fat, sugar, and salt, according to Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the exchange of information on food composition and to enable the database to be used as a national and international reference source, all products included in Tabula™ have been categorized according to the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) food classification and the World Health Organization (WHO) Nutrient Profile Model (NPM 2023) for the European Region.

Tabula™ is developed by the Research Group of Excellence “Nutrition for Life (N4L)”, jointly with CEU Food and Society Institute of CEU San Pablo University (Madrid), under the direction of Professor Gregorio Varela Moreiras.

Tabula™ is now publicly available on the website of the CEU Food and Society Institute.

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