The “Little hand and portion game” booklet helps youngsters assess their dietary needs using their hands.
From an early age, it is vital to develop good eating habits. When children understand what is important to eat, there is a good chance that the right reflexes will last into adulthood.
Nubel has developed a new tool for children aged between 3 and 12: “Little hand and portion game”. The tool is only available in french and dutch.
Through the colorful pages of this booklet, children discover the foods and nutritional recommendations for their age. They can understand the size of a portion and evaluate it using their hands. Palm, fist, fingers… all become reference points. For example, when we talk about a portion of meat, it corresponds to the palm of the hand.
“Little hand and portion game” is extremely easy to use and evolves with age. Children’s hands grow with each birthday, as do their needs.
By following the recommendations translated into portions with hands, you can ensure that your child’s macro- and micro-nutrient intake is optimal and adapted to their development and growth.
The tool is designed for both children and parents who supervise meals. It also contains practical advice and the composition of a balanced lunchbox.
For more information or to download “jeu de petits mains, jeu de portion“: and “Kinderhand- en portiespel“
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