OPEN Platform for Clinical Nutrition

Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at 18.35.41Several approaches exist to estimate food consumption and nutrient intake at the organisational and individual level. OPEN Platform for Clinical Nutrition (OPEN) is a web-based application that supports food and physical activity recording and diet planning as well as 24 hour recall and food frequency questionnaires including photographs. It enables online interaction between a dietitian/nutritionist and their patient/ client. To support its use in different countries and languages, OPEN allows translation of the user interface into any language as well as the use of any food composition dataset that complies with Food data structure and format standard (BS EN 16104:2012). By default, OPEN refers to international dietary recommendations, which can be modified by the dietitian/nutritionist to suit the needs of individuals. A pocket-sized scale has always been developed, which communicates wirelessly with OPEN for easy recording of food weights. EuroFIR AISBL and the European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD) have supported further development of OPEN. It has been used in two Slovenian hospitals to support assessment of patient nutrient intake, in several Slovenian projects, and in a Portuguese food consumption project. It has proved to be an efficient tool for dietary assessment and reduced risk of non-communicable diseases, relying on evidence-based dietary recommendations and ensures repeatability and validity of measures including errors such as estimation of portion size, day-to-day variation in diet and physical activity as well as the frequency of consumption. OPEN is based on national food composition data, food-indexing systems (e.g. LanguaL and FoodEx) and translates the results of the analysis in an illustrative and user-friendly fashion for the patients/ clients to improve understanding. Poster – download (PDF – 1.8MB) Summary of OPEN – download (PDF – 476 KB) EFAD-Logo---Blue OPEN was developed by the Computer Systems Department of the Jožef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, SI) in cooperation with (SI). This work was performed, in part, on behalf of EuroFIR NEXUS (GA no. 265967) and DIETS2 (EACEA (2010-13), and supported by the European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD).