A2002 Stakeholder Analysis | Consumer Engagement | KULeuven

2020-12-16 End-of-year Update

PERFSO aims to generate personalised recommendations and deliver these via our app to motivate and help users make healthier food choices in the workplace. Colleagues at KU Leuven have spent 2020 investigating combinations of recommendations and visualisation techniques to explain the rationale and support user control, in other words getting the settings right for individuals. More specifically, the goals for 2020 were to understand how user-trust (and confidence) can be increased to improve compliance with recommendations, enable end-users to steer the recommendation process with additional input and feedback, which empowers us to engage actively and responsibly and increase users’ motivations for adopting healthy eating habits.

Stakeholders were identified and categorised by EuroFIR, as part of the dissemination activities. Primary stakeholders, citizens (workers), employers, and food service providers were included in a 360° analysis designed to extend and deepen our knowledge of their needs and capabilities. We set out to better understand behaviours around healthy eating to inform development of the recommender, but also how different stakeholders can promote healthy eating through nudging activities in the workplace (e.g., making access to less healthy foods more difficult, posting positive messages around healthy eating, which can be as simple as images of healthy meals) and how these aspects relate to one another. Inspiration and information were gathered from (John Griffiths, 2007), interviews, and market experience.

Ethical approval was granted for this study, but public health measures prevented face-to-face co-design sessions, so three online focus groups and one online co-creation session focused on users’ experience of the recommender and visualisation. Initial low-fidelity designs were converted into realistic high-fidelity prototypes resulting from these sessions and are being implemented in the PERSFO app, ready for 2021.

Stakeholders, specifically workers on sites where Sodexo is delivering workplace catering, will participate in 360° analysis designed to extend and deepen our knowledge and understanding of potential users’ needs.

PERSFO wants to explore consumer behaviour around healthy eating in the workplace, which will inform development of the personalised dietary recommender (Task A2004). The aim is to identify individual and environmental parameters that are controlled by food service providers and influence eating behaviour (e.g. layout of canteens, messaging).

Co-creation sessions are helping to shape user experience-design of the PERSFO platform, specifically what the personalised recommendations could look like (conceptual designs, i.e. attractive, easily read and understood), which can later be converted into functional prototypes. Currently, 25 low-fidelity prototypes have been evaluated in three virtual (online) focus groups. Additional face-to-face co-creation sessions are planned for July, allowing the design prototypes to be finalised in August 2020.

Consideration is also being given to roles and needs of other stakeholders, such as governments, insurance companies, public health practitioners (e.g. dietitians). Whilst not involved directly in the development and use of personalised dietary advice or its delivery, these groups are interested in the impact of personalise dietary advice and efficacy of this approach on population health.

UPDATE (2020-12-02):

You can explore the designs here and you can watch a presentation about motivational design techniques to support healthy eating habits at work, given by Robin De Croon at ICHI 2020 here or click the image (right).

Personalized and connected food service providers (PERSFO, Project ID 20291) has received funding from EIT Food, the innovation community on Food of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the EU, under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.